Praia, Jan 14 (Inforpress) – The Achada Santo Antônio Tabanca Association was present today at the National Assembly to celebrate January 13th, wrapped in drum and horns, noting that the cultural manifestation was born during the struggle for freedom.
Speaking to Inforpress, Gracindo Tavares Veiga, who spoke on behalf of the Association, argued that this is a way of showing that Tabanca is a cultural manifestation that is alive and accompanying the different stages of development of the country.
“January 13th as well as other important dates in the country is very important for Tabanca and the people who are part of this association, because today we are growing stronger and showing that Tabanca is part of our culture and our victories”, said.
January 13, which is a national holiday, is the date when, for the first time, in 1991, Cabo Verdeans exercised their right to vote in the first multiparty elections, after 16 years in a single party regime. The phenomenon of Tabanca goes back to the celebration of May 3, the Holy Cross Day of the slaves, when the owners, slaves (morgados), imbued with the Christian spirit, gave them their freedom for one day.