Praia, Jan 21 (Inforpress) – The Sevenair Academy said that the news which refers to an AAC statement, released in some media, does not reflect the “veracity of the facts and the totality of the communication issued, misleading the interested parties”.
In a statement sent this Monday to Inforpress, the company clarifies that the Civil Aviation Agency (AAC) of Cabo Verde decided to issue a statement in which it reaffirms that Sevenair Academy is not certified by it to teach the Aircraft Maintenance Technician Course (TMA).
“We understand the reason why it did that, since many Cabo Verdeans went to courses in schools in Angola and Brazil where they were not certified and today almost demand AAC to issue a license to them”, reads the document signed by the company commercial responsible, Alexandre Alves. The same source also says that in the AAC statement itself, it is stated that, although the Sevenair Academy is not certified by the regulatory authority, training can be provided, but within the scope of another certification.
“The AAC also mentions that the Sevenair Academy is already in the certification process for its training in Portugal, as it is already approved by the AAC itself for training pilots”, he continues.
According to the Sevenair Academy, AAC also ends in this statement that the trainees will always be able to convert the license under the current regulations and protocols between AAC and EASA.